Playdating Apps

We should have a kid version of “Hot Or Not”… That sounds bad…Hear me out!

Happy New Debt

There is a magical synergy to our impulsive and otherwise seemingly ridiculous tradition stacking.

Dominance Is For The Birds

4:45 am The sun is late today… or I am early. Thoughts of getting ahead of the day prodded me as I lay tricking my consciousness as it lay tricking me. So up after 30 minutes of silent battle and I have done more in 2 hours than in days. What is it about the…

Real Life Unfolding

Today I drive to Florida.  In 2 hours I will load two dogs, three kids and one wife into a giant vehicle with no concern for fuel consumption and drive toward an impossible peninsula filled with well meaning hoards of elderly people, meth heads, and 25 foot pythons. I am relatively sure that there are…

The Cicadas of Laziness

Quick note… Morning came late again today. Late shows two nights in a row. I loved the audiences so much that it made it bearable to be away from home. Being away from home has its guilt. While I mill around trying to make my time useful, my wife has no reprieve from a relentless…

The Political Broken Home (Lesser Of The Two Evils)

The lesser of the two evils. Is that how we do everything? I, like a lot of people, am from a broken home. Has the rise of the “lesser of the two evils” style of parenting that my parent’s generation pioneered corresponded with the growth of the political environment that we are currently in? There…

The Kindness Of Me

The kindness of strangers is the kindness of me.  If you ever feel lonely, imagine how the people around you feel. I want something from the world and when I don’t get it I feel an emptiness that I call loneliness. Did I create the same for others? If I am taking than I am…