Facelift Selfies

So here we stand, arm extended, eyes impossibly wide, grinning maniacally, trying to pull the wrinkles and wear and tear out of our weathered faces in every selfie with these weird home do it facelifts.

Waking Up With Cozumel

I like to watch a town come to life. It begins Cozumel around 5:30 am and it starts slow. A hotel sees of a pilot in the dark and another car goes by 2 or 3 minutes later. Around 6 am a man in an unrecognizable uniform that has orange reflective bands pushes a large…

We The Game Pieces

I see the world but I don’t understand. I look at what I am allowed to see and even that leaves me at a loss. I am not alone. I can’t identify with any of the suffering OR aggression that I see. I can’t identify with bluster in the face of  unknowable consequence. I can’t…

Echoes of Sustainability

True sustainability has to be measured on such an unimaginable scale that I fear I may not be featured in a great deal of it, historically speaking. Somewhere in time lived a man of meager means by today’s standards. But when his fellows took stock of his wealth they marveled at the inspiration seen there. They…

Old Blue Bricks

Old Town San Juan, Puerto Rico. Old blue bricks are like old blue people. They are askew and broken in tiny and monumental ways but they are still holding their position. They could not be more unique and discolored by experience but they fit in. Their role is what they are. They are the silent placeholders…

Real Life Unfolding

Today I drive to Florida.  In 2 hours I will load two dogs, three kids and one wife into a giant vehicle with no concern for fuel consumption and drive toward an impossible peninsula filled with well meaning hoards of elderly people, meth heads, and 25 foot pythons. I am relatively sure that there are…

Happy Blue Bacon Day!

Gearing up fro St Paddy’s Day? Well you should know that The man associated with the raucous, green beer drinking, corned beef and cabbage eating Irish celebration that we know today probably wasn’t Irish at all.

Routine Spontaneity

That pivotal moment… do i work out? Do I work? Do I immerse myself in whatever bad news is coming out of Washington? Do I go back to sleep? Do I sit quietly in a room with my thoughts for the day? Am I doing that now? Routine saves me from all of those choices….

The Top Of The Hour

Eating is weird. We have to do it so much. Doesn’t it feel strange sometimes to watch a large group of travelers, on a plane, all being fed at the same time like livestock.  I think we strut around pretending we have some special powers that exempt us from the animal kingdom but we are…

Accepting Happy

Can you tell if you are happy? How? What time of day do I check? What time of year? Who should I be with when I check?  The data is in flux. People get hurt. People succeed. We live and die together whether or not we want to. At our best we are social animals…