Playdating Apps

We should have a kid version of “Hot Or Not”… That sounds bad…Hear me out!

Happy New Debt

There is a magical synergy to our impulsive and otherwise seemingly ridiculous tradition stacking.

The Cicadas of Laziness

Quick note… Morning came late again today. Late shows two nights in a row. I loved the audiences so much that it made it bearable to be away from home. Being away from home has its guilt. While I mill around trying to make my time useful, my wife has no reprieve from a relentless…

The Political Broken Home (Lesser Of The Two Evils)

The lesser of the two evils. Is that how we do everything? I, like a lot of people, am from a broken home. Has the rise of the “lesser of the two evils” style of parenting that my parent’s generation pioneered corresponded with the growth of the political environment that we are currently in? There…

Catch 22 Day

Everybody is up so I am up. The dogs are up. The kids are up. So I am up. There was a time when I slept until I didn’t like sleeping anymore and that is a time a barely remember. I think it was fraught with indecision and loneliness. Maybe it was a terrible time…

It May Rain

It rainsĀ on the sunniest days and sometimes it looks like rain and never breaks. The memory and understanding of these are the things balance us. I miss ease sometimes but never knew it when it was upon me. I am stronger now than I was but I felt much stronger before. Knowledge takes away certainty…

Perfect parenting (sarcasm)

Parenting is terrifying, unrewarding, and doomed if you do not face the perfectionist inside of you and do away with it completely.  I cry when I get time away from my kids because I start reliving my failures as a parent.  The thing all those failures have in common is the perfectionism that has driven…

Show Up and Empathize

Would you hire a doctor who never knew what it felt like to be hurt or sick? How could you, knowing that every time you described discomfort or pain he had no chance of understanding what you were describing and so no chance of properly diagnosing your problem. How many of us that parent take…

Ridiculous Humanis Capitalists

What is it about lice that makes us so mad and grossed out? If you have ever had a kid, you have had a scrape with the parasite Pediculous Humanis Capitis. Human headlice. I regret to talk out loud about this for fear that people who follow my blog might unfollow me due to the…

Little Things That Matter

I just fixed a small necklace. At first I didn’t think I could do it but I got my magnifying glass and sat in front of my vice. (Tool not bad habit) I persevered because it mattered. It mattered because it belonged to my 7 year old son. My son who often succumbs to frustration…