Waking Up With Cozumel

I like to watch a town come to life. It begins Cozumel around 5:30 am and it starts slow. A hotel sees of a pilot in the dark and another car goes by 2 or 3 minutes later. Around 6 am a man in an unrecognizable uniform that has orange reflective bands pushes a large…

The Cicadas of Laziness

Quick note… Morning came late again today. Late shows two nights in a row. I loved the audiences so much that it made it bearable to be away from home. Being away from home has its guilt. While I mill around trying to make my time useful, my wife has no reprieve from a relentless…

It May Rain

It rainsĀ on the sunniest days and sometimes it looks like rain and never breaks. The memory and understanding of these are the things balance us. I miss ease sometimes but never knew it when it was upon me. I am stronger now than I was but I felt much stronger before. Knowledge takes away certainty…